About Me

Welcome to my blog!

At the end of 2019, there was a nagging in my mind pushing me to start writing. I’ve always loved to write but I thought it was time to take it a little bit further and venture into the world of blogging so here we are.

My name is Fatima and I’m a girl in her late 20s who’s been called “insubordinate” more than once and has far too many unpopular opinions. I was initially going to only review books for this blog, but I realized I didn’t want to limit myself to one thing. Instead, I’ll be discussing anything and everything I want, including fashion and style, travel, my experiences, my opinions, and of course books, as that will motivate me to always be reading something new.

Being a Cancer and a brown girl, the experiences I write about will almost always carry a dramatic flair. Also being a first-gen Pakistani Canadian, some of my content will reflect this aspect of my identity. I will also transform personal self-talk usually reserved for the confines of my journals into (hopefully) motivational and informative content to get you to reflect on your life and the positive changes you can make to improve it.

Thanks for reading this far. Feel free to subscribe to weekly posts and connect with me through my social media. Hope to see you around this space more often!

~ Fatima ~